picture by colored ink
picture by colored ink

--Character designing--

Game character designing by my client's request

Brochure designing

The website the brochure is used.



These pictures are drawn by illustration drawing software.

There is one kanji character in each picture, and the picture is drawn based on the meaning of the kanji character.

Please click each picture. 

<The major meaning of the kanji characters>

描-draw                                  実-fruit



---Colored Ink---



These pictures are drawn by colored ink, a brush, and a air brush. 

Please click each picture.

<The major meaning of the kanji characters>

絆-bonds                        桃- peach

騙-deceive                     粘- sticky

忍- endure or spy- This kanji character is used in the word 忍者, ninjya. a secret agent in ancient Japan.




---Monochrome Illustration---



Please click the pictures. 



<The major meaning of the kanji characters>

和-peace or harmony


To be continued......

